Back to Balticon

Okay, it’s not exactly a picture of me at Balticon – but in those days, pictures were costly and precious and selfies were unheard of. So this is the closest I can get to my first Balticon – a picture of me a few days before, going to my friend’s senior prom. Yes, that’s me at age 17.

This weekend, I’m headed back again.

It’s been a few years, it’s fair to say – and you won’t find me at the con wearing some of the NSFW outfits I used to wear to such events. This year I’ll probably be wearing my new t-shirt that says “I’m an audiobook narrator – what’s your superpower?” – and I just might wear this too:

I bought it in the dealer’s room back at that first Balticon. It had a special meaning for me when I bought it that I might write about someday – but this weekend, it will stand for adventure, and new wind under my wings.

Maybe I’ll meet some old friends, and some new friends too.

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